It’s sad to us when amazing products don’t succeed in the market, even with so much innovation.
We often blame ourselves, thinking we created flawed or off-target creations. But that’s a misconception. Every product, every solution, has its ideal customer waiting out there.
The real obstacle? “Static.” Static is the noise in the market. It confuses people’s thinking, including customers and ourselves. The Static hides great products’ value and stops us from making progress together.
Our mission is to combat the static that keeps our solutions from succeeding in the market. Every solution can reach the right audience and fulfill its potential.
There’s a time for every founder when they need to push past the static. When they need to challenge the status quo. And, they deserve it. It’s hard work. You deserve to have your innovation recognized and embraced.
“Static” dominates in the world today
“Static” keeps you from being successful. It is a barrier that stops innovators from reaching their potential. Old-fashioned marketing methods overwhelm the market. They don’t respect audiences and treat them like numbers, not individuals. The static causes self doubt. It makes you feel like an imposter, fear mistakes, and worry about timelines and pitfalls. It clouds judgment, saps confidence, and keeps you playing safe. It keeps you from dominating.
But let’s imagine clearing “The Static”. Where you have an unobstructed path, and
you can move with clarity and purpose.
Where confidence isn’t a buzzword, but it’s your driving force. Without static, you play to win. You find your perfect customers. And, you deliver on your dreams to build a business you can be proud of.
We provide a well-researched path out of the “Static”
Our “Demand-Side Growth” approach combines twenty years of experience into one powerful method. We developed the method using our experiences from VC-funded companies and helping launches for 10 years. We also incorporated our own experiences building products.
Post-COVID, the landscape has shifted. In today’s world, it can be hard to hold people accountable and entitlement is increasing. Old-school go-to-market tactics are failing. And, when those tactics fail, people do more of them, causing more static. But Demand-Side Growth thrives. We have designed this method for now. It focuses on a few actions that have a big impact.
At its core, Demand-Side Growth is about respecting the customer. We meet them where they are and understand their needs, delivering value upfront. Before asking them to commit or take a risk, we ensure they’ve already experienced the benefits. In a world where trust is hard-earned, our approach builds trust from the first interaction.
The Key to Success: Be Ruthless
To be effective, we have to be ruthless about our time. And by doing so, we can actually build better, more long-term relationships.
Being “ruthless” means:
Relevance over Reach: It’s about making meaningful connections, not annoying lots of people. Quality trumps quantity every time.
First Impressions Matter. The first contact with a prospect influences the entire relationship. A personalized, respectful, and value-driven first contact can start a long, successful relationship.
Respect the Individual. Every email address and social media profile belongs to a real person. And that person has needs, desires, and challenges. Treat them like a person and not another number in a database.
Contribute Value, Not Noise. In an era of information overload, be the signal, not the noise. Every interaction should add value to the prospect’s life or business.
Research Before Reach. Before you reach out to someone, make sure you know what issues they have and how you can assist them. This ensures that your outreach is relevant and resonates with them.
Personalization is Key. Generic messages get lost in the shuffle. Tailor your outreach to address the specific needs and interests of each prospect.
Protect Your Reputation. Every interaction, especially the first one, impacts your brand’s reputation. Avoid tactics that might come off as spammy or intrusive.
Less is More: Instead of casting a wide net, focus on a smaller, more targeted group of prospects. This allows for deeper research, better personalization, and more meaningful interactions.
Value-First. Before asking for anything in return, show your value. Offer insights, solutions, or benefits that the prospect can experience and enjoy immediately.
Build Genuine Relationships. The end goal isn’t a sale; it’s a lasting relationship. Approach every interaction with the intent of building trust and rapport.
Automation is key, but not where most people do it today. Be ruthless with your interactions with prospects. Then, automate your backend to allow focus on your prospects.
Take a straight-line path to success
Businesses want to be big. So, they often through a lot of marketing at things to “launch” to try to get scale. But, when they do that, they often forget to target, and this causes big problems. You announce and the launch fails, and you don’t know why.
We studied successful product launches. Through that research, we identified the 5 stages and success milestones to succeed.
The stages are:
Strategy. We have a defined, written down strategy to DOMINATE a tight niched market. Too many strategies are “playing to play” not “playing to win.”
Offer. We deliver a well-crafted, easy-to-understand offer. Our offer solves a struggle our prospect has today. We deliver a solution that addresses ALL their problems. And, we make an offer that’s impossible to say no to.
Fit. We can reach a customer, make an offer, they take it, they love it, and we get a testimonial, and we do so at high margin.
Scale. We expand our sales team to include more than the founders and senior staff. We make sure to keep our profit margins high and aim to sell to at least ten times as many customers as we did in Fit.
Peak. We grow our business 10x its current size. We drive consistent high revenue growth. And, we explore acquisition or merging options.
You’re crafting a legacy and a business. So, each stage is deliberate, each milestone crucial. These steps most successful businesses have gone through to be successful. By doing this same path, we learn a lot along the journey. And, skipping steps causes you to stumble.
Ethics, trust, value: The keys to modern positioning
The “used car salesman” has a reputation for a reason. Tricking, hiding facts, pretending they care. You know the feeling and I do too.
This is like this because the used car salesman is an adversary. They’re playing a game where they win and you lose.
But here’s the undeniable truth: Customer decisions control your revenue 100%. You can’t “clever advertise” or “pushy sell” a customer to spend their money. The decision, the power, all rests with them. And they’ll only invest if they believe in the value you promise.
And, furthermore, the world can see your actions. One act of deceit spreads online, damaging our reputations and eroding trust. A single negative review, a single disgruntled customer, can halt a business in its tracks.
So, what’s the way forward? You have to build win-win scenarios. No lose scenarios for your customers.
You do this with:
Ethics. Be transparent, even when the truth is inconvenient. Honor commitments, even when it’s challenging. Focus on the customer’s needs, even when there’s a shortcut to profit. Be ethical. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Trust. Be consistent. Make promises, then deliver time and time again. And, through proof, build trust.
Value: Deliver value through the experience the customer has. No product sitting on a shelf delivers value. They’re only valuable when used. You need to focus on the user experience, even if your product only affects part of it.
At the heart of our philosophy is a commitment to these principles. Businesses should stand tall, not in their achievements, but in their integrity. Trust, ethics, and value are our guiding beacon in a noisy world, leading to real success.