Finishing Layout

flexbox landing pages using CartFlows

In this video, we focused on refining the course page layout. We converted and adjusted elements, emphasizing responsive design and maintaining proper content organization.

What you’ll learn section

flexbox landing pages using CartFlows

In this video, we’ll continue working on additional sections for the course page. We’ll be converting the existing elements and making necessary adjustments to ensure a cleaner and more organized layout.

Hero section and layout

flexbox landing pages using CartFlows

In this video, we’ll be editing the design of the course page, focusing on creating a hero section with text and buttons. We’ll also address layout issues and styling elements for a cleaner and more organized look.

Initial setup of the flow and the page

flexbox landing pages using CartFlows

In this section, we dive into CartFlows and building landing pages, focusing on the setup for selling a course using WordPress, Elementor, and CartFlows Pro.

Intro to building landing pages using CartFlows

flexbox landing pages using CartFlows

In this section, you are introduced to the methodology for creating landing pages using CartFlows in a WordPress setup. This course covers setting up the landing page to promote and sell the course, emphasizing the flexibility and potential of CartFlows.
